Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Myth and the Reality 4 Surprising Truths about Mobile Recruiting

The Myth and the Reality 4 Surprising Truths about Mobile RecruitingThe Myth and the Reality 4 Surprising Truths about Mobile RecruitingA recent online meme challenged modern teenagers to attempt to place a telephone call using a rotary phone. The resulting failure provided many laughs but also highlighted the increasing reliance on not just touch dial but mobile phones. As of May 2017, nearly 51% of US households had given up on their landlines altogether. Similarly, stationary technologies such as desktop computers and even large laptops are being replaced by increasingly portable phones with processors that would rival your home set up. In short, the mobile age is here. As a recruiting professional, why then would you limit your ability to connect with would be employees by not focusing your efforts on upping your mobile game? From scheduling interviews to resume submission, chances are your next hire will have some form of mobile interaction. Many recruiters, however, have a few outdated misconceptions about best practices in the field. Not embracing and understanding mobile applications could mean you miss out on connecting with your next top recruit. With that in mind, here we absprache into our top four surprising truths about mobile recruiting.Myth 1 Mobile job seekers are young and tech-savvy.Many recruiters and hiring professionals fail to focus on mobile applications. Perhaps youre recruiting for a company in a low-tech industry or are targeting only older candidates with many years of experience. If you think that mobile job seekers are limited to young software engineers, think again.Data shows that applicants across all industries and age groups have embraced accessing their data while on the go. Employers regularly issue smartphones as part of their first-day onboarding process and all but the most stubborn of older candidates are answering emails and browsing open positions via their handheld smartphone. Toss out the myth that mobile friendlines s isnt important in your industry if you want to attract top talent to your position.Myth 2 Mobile is plateauing. It will settle out and people will keep using the desktop web.If youre hanging on to the hope that mobile is a new fad and desktop web browsing is the next big comeback, weve got bright yellow 70s leisure suit wed like to sell you. Tech behemoths are seeing huge increases in spending to help develop the next faster, sleeker, thinner smartphones. Desktop advancement, on the other hand, is stagnant at best. If the money spent isnt convincing, consider that advertisers have all but given up on traditional media when it comes to reaching customers. Short banner ads, memes and smartphone notifications are all the wave of the future. Take a nod from the commercial space and realize that recruiting is advertising by another name. Mobile is here to stay and will only become more relevant to your hiring process as technology advances.Myth 3 Job seekers are not very engaged when t hey are searching on mobile. They are just snacking.Sure, it may be easier to quickly peruse content while browsing on a mobile device, but that doesnt mean eignung candidates are not actively engaging with your job listings. The truth of the matter is that browsing information on a smaller screen allows for more rapid processing and reviewing. Instead of larger monitors with ads, navigation bars, and other distractors, listings for potential job openings are delivered succinctly.This rapid processing of information isnt just myth busting. Its also a large clue to how recruiters and hiring managers should approach the format of their open positions. Keep titles succinct and be sure to include meaningful information in the first several lines of the job description. Leaving out these critical elements could mean your listing is overlooked by even the most serious of job seekers.Myth 4 Reaching job seekers on mobile is time-consuming and expensive.In the early days of the internet and mobile access developers often had to design separate web pages for mobile or desktop viewing. Newer technologies have helped eliminate this unnecessary step, allowing users to access platforms that automatically optimize the display of the content depending on which type of device is being used to view.In the hiring world, sites such as ensure that your job listings are optimized for the individual viewer. Our mobile friendly website is designed with all levels of tech-savvy job seekers in mind when hosting the application process direct. Have your listing on Simply Hired but dont know whether the link to your personal hosted application is up to par? Take our Application Process Self Audit to determine how well you score from a candidate perspective, both on desktop and mobile.At Simply Hired, were committed to providing the best experience for both hiring professionals and candidates. As best practices change, so do we, leading the industry in making meaningful c onnections between company and employee. When you list your open position with Simply Hired, you can rest assured that youre getting industry-leading experience, wherever your candidates may be.

Friday, November 22, 2019

4 Speech Patterns That Can Diminish a Woman#8217;s Credibility at Work

4 Speech Patterns That Can Diminish a Woman8217s Credibility at Work 4 Speech Patterns That Can Diminish a Woman8217s Credibility at Work PerceptionsThey form quickly and set like cement.Unfortunately, other peoples perceptions of us often form in our blind spots. It is hard to really know just how we are coming across to others. You may think you are just having a casual conversation or making a post on social media, but people are forming opinions about you instantly based on what you say or write.Relationshipscan be formed or broken over words spoken. Countries can be split or united. Business covenants are made (or broken) in meetings and contracts.As women, we are often unable to see how the words we use on a daily basis in the office can affect peoples perceptions of us.Here are four small ways women discredit themselves over and over again without even realizing it.1. ApologizingConstantlyIm sorry. Im sorry. But what are you sorry about? Constant apologizing can be the kiss of death for a women in the office. Unless you stepped on someones foot, there is no reason to be sorry.2. Asking Questions When You Know the Answers Often, when women end their sentences as if they werequestions on purpose to keep the dialogue going. This is called upspeak.Silence is powerful. Be okay with sitting in the silence, especially at meetings. If you know you tend to talk too much when you get nervous, focus on your breath. Feel your chest rise and fall. Disengage the wild thoughts and the compulsion.3. Wishy-Washy SpeakNothing on earth discredits a women especially with a man in a meeting more than words like perhaps, just, actually, maybe, a little bit, etc.Be definite in your speech. You are not a little bit concerned aboutyour disruptive employee. You are concerned.This isbusiness. No one in the room feels comfortable with maybe or a little bit of anything. Be firm. Be definite. Have an opinion. Its okay.4. Fear of Being a WomanIve been asked many times if Ive ha d to act more like a man to get ahead in business.Never. This isnt about changing who you are or asking you to shelf yoursensitivity, compassion, and collaborative spirit. Find your voice and style. Women can be very powerful without coming off asauthoritarian.Heres what it boils down to at work Like it or not, men rule the business world still. If that werent true, wed see more than five percent of SP 500 CEO roles belonging to women.There is a game that is being played in the office. Know that there is a game and figure out the rules. Once you know the game, you can play it successfully.A version of this article originally appeared in Plaid for Women.Elizabeth Lions is an executive career coach. You can learn more

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Dont Lose Your Patience While Job Hunting

Dont Lose Yur Patience While Job HuntingDont Lose Your Patience While Job HuntingTheres no denying that we live in a world full of instant gratification. Texting your loved one about dinner plans? Youll probably get a response within minutes. Contacting a friend to make plans to meet up for dinner next week? Youll hear back within a day or so. Emailing your boss about an upcoming deadline? Youll probably hear back in a couple of hours.As for emailing an employer to follow up on a recent job interview? Anticipate hearing back in several days, if not longer.This may be why your job search feels like it is not moving along fast enough or on your tihonigweinable. According to the instant gratification clock, the one weve been using for practically everything in our daily lives, you should have been hired for that new job a month ago.We live in an instant update world, whereas your job search may feel more like its stuck in the snail mail era. With a slight adjustment to your outlook and timeframe, you can still soar through your job search with patience and positivity. Heres how to manage your expectations on the process.1. Focus on mini-milestones. Although the job offer itself ends up being the most important result from your job search, its helpful to break it down even further to stay the course. Even meaningful networking conversations deserve a celebration, whether its a special cup of java, a manicure or a shoe shine. This is progress.And the more quality coals you have in the fire interesting jobs youre applying to, meaningful networking conversations, positive feedback from a phone interview the more youll be able to dance along the journey instead of bemoaning the timetable on one specific job.2. Document your job search activities. Keep track of companies youre applying to, dates and outcomes of phone and office interviews, next steps and, most importantly, when and with whom youre following up.A watched pot never boils. So, if youre staring at the pho ne wondering why your dream employer hasnt called you after submitting your resume, focus on the variety of activities youre embarking upon by keeping track of specific activities in one distributions-mix and when you should follow up. Dont dwell on the notion that its taking too long.Newsflash Its nearly always going to feel like its taking too long. Focus on action-oriented behaviors in your control to keep things moving forward.Please keep in mind that hiring managers are out of the office from time to time, working on major projects or traveling for business, so decisions get delayed. But when you do land a wonderful new job and youre immersed in new challenges, the fact that it took four additional weeks to get the offer wont even cross your mind.3. Create a rewards system. In other words, if you had 100 pounds to lose, instead of thinking how far off the end goal seems, create multiple finish lines closer to your current state.Not unlike weight loss, toggle your mindset to acc epting delayed gratification a light at the end of the tunnel is waiting for your arrival. Similar to setting up celebrations, create markers along the way, such as three successful recent interviews or two excellent contacts made from an industry networking event.4. Think realistically about timeframes. Youre not the only person eager to land that new job and begin a new chapter in your career. When I worked in corporate recruiting, I had to set expectations with hiring managers who also wanted to make hires in an instant.Not so fast, I told them. First, the job posting got approved and posted, and resumes were submitted. Next, I reviewed all of them, conducted phone screens, provided feedback, scheduled office interviews, gathered feedback, conducted the next round of interviews and you guessed it gathered more feedback. Perhaps at this time, I got hiring approvals and the confirmed compensation package, sent the offer letter, allowed the candidate to give two weeks notice and ran a background check. Well, the earliest we could make a new hire was eight weeks in a perfect world.Thats why a preconceived mindset of when you think youll land a job isnt helpful. Too many things are out of your control and expecting immediate feedback and instant next steps will distract you from your endeavors.5. And now ditch them. Consider this Would you really want to expedite the process to work for a less-than-stellar employer within three months instead of that amazing employer within five months? Two months is not that significant, so as you toss expectations of a swift process away, you will only be delighted if the process is faster than you anticipated.Moreover, youll be pretty excited when focusing more on the quality of the role youre pursuing, positive interview experience and people you met rather than the fact that they called you back within seven business days instead of two.6. Be patient. If youve ever purchased a house, chances are you didnt find the right one overnight. After defining your criteria, scouring open houses and pounding the pavement, dealing with financials, your mortgage, down payment and contracts not to mention the closing and physical act of moving in that process took significant time and effort as well. It was time and effort well spent when looking at the outcome.At the end of the day, things in life worth having, such as your next job, dont materialize overnight. When it comes to your job search and finding a better opportunity, forget the instant gratification world we live in, and if employers do get back to you rather quickly, remember its a marathon, not a sprint. There are several steps along the way that will all be worth your efforts.